TIGRIS Kick-Off Meeting

The Kick-Off Meeting for the TIGRIS Project, which has been awarded for EU co-funding within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme “Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education”, took place from 9th – 10th November 2017.

The Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Coordinator of the TIGRIS project, hosted this event which was attended by representatives of all partner universities within the Consortium. The Managing Director for Administration and Financial Affairs from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan, University Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Directors of International Offices, amongst others, participated in this meeting on behalf of the partner HEIs from Kurdistan, whilst academic and administrative staff members closely involved in internationalisation processes or well-experienced in international relations and international collaboration participated in this meeting on the EU partner side.

The Kick-Off Meeting focussed on providing a detailed overview of the project and the project activities for the next 3 years. Management procedures, financial regulations, and the EACEA’s evaluation of the project proposal all formed key discussion points during the first day, whilst the second day was dedicated to an interactive workshop on the designated work packages followed by a general question and answer session. This meeting also offered a welcome opportunity for the project partners to present their institutions, as well as their respective institutional challenges, strengths, and international status quo.

All in all, the Kick-Off Meeting was deemed to have been a great success and highly beneficial in laying solid foundations for future cooperation and the efficient and effective implementation of the upcoming activities.


Agenda of the Kick-Off Meeting

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