Here you can find the outputs of Work Package 4 being the evaluation reports of activities and trainings implemented within TIGRIS as well as the results of the Peer Review of Kurdish partner HEIs. Also, this page contains the External Evaluation Report by the External Quality Expert.

Quality Assurance Mechanism (QAM) (WP4.1)

TIGRIS QAM template | (MS Excel)

Explanation: The TIGRIS Quality Assurance Mechanism (QAM) is an interactive
excel sheet, clearly outlining individual tasks and responsibilities, outputs and
deadlines as well as indicators and benchmarks for each WP, task and partner. The
QAM is used to monitor the project's implementation and to provide a clear picture
on the status of the project.

Evaluation Reports of Project Activities (WP4.1)

Evaluation Report for the Study Visits to EU Partners | (PDF)

Evaluation Report for the WP1 Concluding Workshop at UOS & Annual Dissemination Conference at SU | (PDF)

Evaluation Report for the Workshop at UoR | (PDF)

Evaluation Report for the Workshop at CHU | (PDF)

Evaluation Report for the Dual-Workshop at UGOE | (PDF)

Evaluation Report for the Workshop at MU | (PDF)

Evaluation Report for the 2nd TIGRIS Annual Dissemination Conference by KISSR | (PDF)

Evaluation report Training Workshop for Internationalisation Managers and Officers at UGOE | (PDF)

Evaluation TIGRIS Training Workshop for TIGRIS Training on Bologna and ECTS at RUG | (PDF)

Evaluation TIGRIS Internships International Relations Managers and Officers KUL | (PDF)

Evaluation TIGRIS Internships International Relations Managers and Officers MU | (PDF)

Evaluation TIGRIS Internships International Relations Managers and Officers RUG | (PDF)

Explanation: Above the individual evaluation reports for activities and events
implemented in the framework of the TIGRIS Project.

Bi-annual Partner Reports (WP4.1)

Assessment Report of the 1st Bi-annual Partner Reports | (PDF)

Assessment Report of the 2nd Bi-annual Partner Reports | (PDF)

Assessment Report of the 3rd Bi-annual Partner Reports | (PDF)

Assessment Report of the 4th Bi-annual Partner Reports | (PDF)

Assessment Report of the 5th Bi-annual Partner Reports | (PDF)

Explanation: Above you find the Bi-annual Partner Reports provided by each partner
to report on the progress of the project.

Evaluation of National and Institutional Strategies (WP4.2)

Evaluation of national and institutional strategies (WP 4.2)

Explanation: Evaluation report by the External Quality Expert of the TIGRIS
Project on the national and institutional strategies developed.

Peer Review Reports & Evaluation Report of IRO activities (WP4.3)

Template for Peer Review Report | (MS WORD)

Explanation: This is the template developed and used for the reports on the peer 
review meetings with individual partner HEIs.

Guidance notes for the preparation of Peer Review Meetings | (PDF)

Explanation: These are the guidance notes for the preparation of the peer review
meetings, developed by European partners and subsequently issued by the project 
coordinator UGOE.

Peer Review Report for Charmo University | (PDF)

Peer Review Report for Duhok Polytechnic University | (PDF)

Peer Review Report for Erbil Polytechnic University | (PDF)

Peer Review Report for the Kurdistan Institution for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research | (PDF)

Peer Review Report for Sulaimain Polytechnic University | (PDF)

Peer Review Report for Salahaddin University – Erbil | (PDF)

Peer Review Report for University of Halabja | (PDF)

Peer Review Report for University of Raparin | (PDF)

Peer Review Report for University of Sulaimani | (PDF)

Explanation: Above are the final reports on the peer review meetings with
individual HEI partners from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Pre-to-post evaluation of Kurdish IRO activities | (PDF)

Explanation: To complement the peer reviewing activities, the TIGRIS Quality Team
(GII & UOS) conducted a data collection on IRO activities. Based on the data
collected, GII drafted an analysis report to establish and evaluate the progress 
at Kurdish HEI partners in terms of internationalisation. 

External Evaluation Report by the External Quality Expert (WP4.4)

Midterm Evaluation Report (WP4.4) | (PDF)

Final Evaluation Report (WP4.4) | (PDF)

Explanation: External evaluation reports on project implementation by the External
Quality Expert of the TIGRIS Project. The external evaluation results will be
added to the mid-term and final report of the project and submitted to the EACEA.
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