NKIP9+ Agreement Signed

Today, Kurdish partners of the TIGRIS project have signed the Agreement to establish the Network of Kurdish Internationalisation Practitioners, short NKIP9+.

By establishing the network, Kurdish HEI partners supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research will join their forces to further promote and facilitate the internationalisation of Higher Education in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, thereby also guaranteeing the long-term impact and sustainability of the results achieved within the TIGRIS project.

In the Agreement, partners agreed to work jointly on a wide range of topics from developing Higher Education reform initiatives to hosting joint trainings, workshop and conferences to conducting joint promotion activities abroad aiming at raising the international visibility of Kurdish higher education and its institutions.

Partners also agreed on establishing a permanent working group for the continuous development of the Management Information System and Database for Internationalisation of Higher Education in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which is developed within the framework of the TIGRIS Project.

The network will be open for other Higher Education Institutions from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq with the aim of becoming a truly regional platform.

For interested parties, the Agreement can by found here.

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