The project is envisaged to operate at three distinct levels. Firstly, at government and ministry level, policies will be created and developed which underpin the process of internationalising the Higher Education system and research within Kurdistan, and likewise will simultaneously facilitate the recognition of studies conducted in Europe as well as the elaboration of joint diplomas and joint research activities. Secondly, at institutional level, internal bylaws will be generated and institutional policies will be developed aimed at internationalising education, research, staff and student mobility, and student services. Thirdly, at departmental level, the project will seek to reinforce the capacity of International Relations departments, both in terms of their infrastructure and human resources.

The project’s main target groups are students, researchers, academics, and administrative staff who currently participate, or wish to participate, in international collaborations. Training programmes will be organised for International Relations manager and administrative staff in Europe and Kurdistan in order to provide the opportunity to exchange knowledge and share best-practices first-hand, and to learn more about the European educational system directly and see how some European International Relations Offices and internationalisation strategies function, for example. Participation in summer schools is also foreseen for members of the participating HEIs. Additionally, the project proposes to establish a European-Kurdish network to enhance the development of joint initiatives and raise awareness on internationalisation issues through a dedicated journal.

Structured and targeted activities will be organised to modernise, or develop, individual strategies on internationalisation and academic mobility, along with coherent institutional measures capable of steering internationalisation at the participating Kurdish HEIs. The TIGRIS Project will hereby underpin institutional efforts to improve the Kurdish partners’ rankings within the Higher Education system. Moreover, the reinforced capacities and skills of Internatinal Relations personnel at the Kurdish HEIs resulting from the mentoring offered by the European partners and the knowledge gained on developing international relations policies, divisions, and services will boost their participation in international projects and strengthen the competitiveness of Kurdish HEIs.

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