Here you can find the guidelines and templates for the Bi-annual Partner Reports.

TIGRIS Guidelines for Bi-annual Partner Reports

TIGRIS Guidelines for Bi-annual Partner Reports (v. 1.1) | (PDF)

Explanation: The TIGRIS Guidelines for the Bi-annual Partner Reports define the standards and requirements for the 
Bi-annual Partner Reports on the progress of the implementation of the Erasmus+ TIGRIS Project, which have to be 
submitted every 6 month. Responsible for collecting the reports is the University of Sulaimani in its function as 
member of the TIGRIS Quality Leading Team (QLT). 

Template for Bi-annual Partner Reports

 Template Biannual Partner Reports | (MS Word)

Explanation: Please use this template for submitting the Bi-annual Partner Reports. Please note: The reports are to be 
submitted to the Focal Point of the University of Sulaimani, Dr. Karzan Ghafur Khidhir. For documentation purposes, 
please, set the project's functional email address in copy (cc). 


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