Here you can find the outputs and deliverables of Work Package 3.

Work Package 3

Overview of member of Committees for Development of Internationalisation Strategies | (PDF)

Explanation: This document provides an directory of the membmers of the Committees for the Development 
of Internationalisation Strategies at Kurdish partner institutions.

TIGRIS Template for Strategy Development | (MS WORD)

Explanation: This template was created to develop and assess the first draft of the internationalisation
strategies to be developed in the framework of the TIGRIS project.

Recommendations on university research project management and talent development | (PDF)

Explanation: In the framework of work package 3 and to facilitate the internationalisation and overall development 
of research in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, KU Leuven developed recommendations on university research 
project management and talent development. 

Action Plan for cooperation with the EHEA / ERA | (PDF)

Explanation: In the framework of work package 3 and to facilitate the cooperation with the EHEA / ERA and overall 
alignment with European Higher Education, RUG developed an action plan providing both information on the EHEA & ERA
as well as some hands-on advice on how to setup cooperation with it. The action plan also include further advice 
and tools on how to implement Bologna Process reforms to modernise Kurdish Higher Education and to further align it 
with European models of practice as well as the Bologna process.

Work Package 3.1

Internationalisation Strategy of the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research | (PDF)

Explanation: This is the finalised internationalisation strategy developed by the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and 
Scientific Research (MHESR). It was officially adopted on 22.07.2020.

Work Package 3.2

Internationalisation Strategy of the Kurdistan Institution for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research | (PDF)

Explanation: This is the finalised internationalisation strategy developed with the Kurdistan 
Institution for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research (KISSR). It was officially adopted on 29.08.2019.

Internationalisation Strategy of the University of Sulaimani | (PDF)

Explanation: This is the finalised internationalisation strategy developed with the University 
of Sulaimani. It was officially adopted on 28.07.2019. 

Internationalisation Strategy of the Sulaimani Polytechnic University | (PDF)

Explanation: This is the finalised internationalisation strategy developed with the Sulaimani 
Polytechnic University. It was officially adopted on 03.09.2019.  

Internationalisation Strategy of the University of Raparin | (PDF)

Explanation: This is the finalised internationalisation strategy developed with the University
of Raparin. It was officially adopted on 08.08.2019. 

Internationalisation Strategy of Halabja University | (PDF)

Explanation: This is the finalised internationalisation strategy developed with Halabja
University. Its was officially adopted on 25.09.2019.

Internationalisation Strategy of the Charmo University | (PDF)

Explanation: This is the finalised internationalisation strategy developed with Charmo
University. It was officially adopted on 20.08.2019.

Internationalisation Strategy of the Duhok Polytechnic University | (PDF)

Explanation: This is the finalised internationalisation strategy developed with Duhok
Polytechnic University.  It was officially adopted on 26.08.2019.

Internationalisation Strategy of the Erbil Polytechnic University | (PDF)

Explanation: This is the finalised internationalisation strategy developed with Erbil
Polytechnic University.  It was officially adopted on 09.10.2019. 

Internationalisation Strategy of the Salahaddin University – Erbil | (PDF)

Explanation: This is the finalised  internationalisation strategy developed with Salahaddin
University - Erbil. It was officially adopted on 08.08.2019. 

Work Package 3.3

Self-assessment tool | (MS Excel)

Explanation: This is a self-assessment tool for establishing the level of internationalisation of Kurdish
HEI partners. The tool was developed by project partner Global Impact Institute. It is based on the output of 
WP1.3 and WP1.4 and allows individual HEIs to establish their level of internationalisation based 
on predefined indicators.

Self-assessment study on level of internationalisation | (PDF)

Explanation: This study summarises the findings of the self-assessment study conducted within the TIGRIS Project. 
The study was drafted by project partner Global Impact Institute.

Evaluation Framework for Internationalisation of Kurdish Universities | (PDF)

Explanation: This document contains the evaluation framework for assessing the quality of internationalisation at 
HEIs from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. However, the framework was designed by the Global Impact Institute as a general
tool that can be used by any university in the region to assess their internationalisation. 

Work Package 3.4

Explanation: Work Package 3.4 comprises the Training Workshop for International Relations Managers & Officers in 
Göttingen, the Workshop for Kurdish Bologna practitioners at the TUNING ACADEMY in Groningen as well as the internships
for selected International Relations Manager & Officers at RUG, KUL and MU. The resources and results of the
trainings/workshops you can find below. 

Questionnaire on Kurdish International Relations Offices & existing needs in preparation of the trainings in WP3.4 (template) | (PDF)

Explanation: This questionnaire was developed to establish information on the International Relations Offices (IROs) 
set up by Kurdish partner HEIs in the course of the TIGRIS Project as well as to identify existing needs 
of Kurdish partners that should be addressed in the upcoming trainings for Kurdish IRO staff in WP3.4.

Training Workshop for International Relations Managers & Officers

Analysing International Relations Offices of TIGRIS Partner HEIs (Presentation) | (PDF)

Recognition of Studies (Presentation) | (PDF)

Internationalisation at Higher Education Institutions – A View from the Faculties (Presentation) | (PDF)

Shaping intra-institutional Cooperation for Internationalisation at HEIs (Presentation) | (PDF)

Internationalization Process in 8 Steps (Presentation) | (PDF)

EU Funding Opportunities Erasmus+ (Presentation) | (PDF)

Preparing a Successful Project Proposal (Presentation incl. group work results)| (PDF)

Managing Academic Mobility (Presentation) | (PDF)

Mobility Check List (template) | (PDF)

Tools for Managing Academic Mobility – The Use Case of MoveOn at the University of Göttingen (Presentation) | (PDF)

Developing Academic Mobility and Partnerships with European HEIs via the Erasmus+ Key Action 107 | (PDF)

Learning Agreement examples (commented) | (PDF)

Fostering Sociocultural Adaptation, Personal Development and Academic Success: Support for Internationals (Presentation) | (PDF)

Explanation: Above you will find all presentations and materials used during the Training Workshop for International
Relations Managers & Officers held at the University of Göttingen in March 2020.

Additional information and resources

ECTS Users’ Guide | (External Link)

Explanation: This document explains the usage of ECTS. Please take note of Section 4, which addresses ECTS for mobility
and credit recognition. 

Learning Agreement (templates) | (External Link)

Explanation: Via this link, you find the template for Learning Agreements in use in the Erasmus+ programme in student 
exchange. The agreement is a tool to provide a transparent and efficient preparation of the study period abroad and to 
ensure that the student will receive recognition in his/her degree for the educational components successfully completed 

Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement for Studies | (External Link)

Explanation: Via this link, you find the guidelines on the use of Learning Agreements, which further instruct on the use
of this tool.

Mobility Agreement (templates) | (External Link)

Explanation: Via this link, you find the template for a Mobility Agreement in use in the Erasmus+ programme in staff 
exchange. It sets out the programme of teaching / training to be followed and is  approved by the staff member, the
sending and the receiving institution /  organisation. The agreement defines the components of the teaching 
or training  period abroad and emphasises the mutual responsibility for the quality  of the mobility of both the
sending institution / organisation and the  receiving institution / organisation.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility – Handbook for Participating Organisations (Version 4.1, February 2020) | (External Link)

Explanation: The handbook provides information on the key documents, rules and guidelines for the implementation of
International Credit Mobility (ICM) in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme (e.g. KA107). It provides
detailed instructions (step-by-step) for implementing ICM. In this, it also touches upon the preparation of the
mobility as well as recognition of studies.

Training workshop for Kurdish Bologna practitioners at the TUNING Academy

Applying the Tuning Approach to third cycle studies (Article) | (PDF)

Key Principles of Bologna and ECTS | (PDF)

Full implementation of ECTS-compatible credit system at institutional level: key principles & tools | (PDF)

Grading | (PDF)

Evaluating the quality of ECTS implementation | (MS Word)

TUNING Workload questionnaire | (PDF)

Diploma Supplement Template | (PDF)

Presentation of the KRG MHESR on the Bologna Process in Kurdistan Region universities | (PDF)

Presentation of SU on the achievements and challenges in implementing ECTS | (PDF)

Presentation of UOS on the achievements and challenges in implementing ECTS | (PDF)

Presentation of UOR on the achievements and challenges in implementing ECTS | (PDF)

Explanation: Above you will find all presentations and materials used during the Workshop for Kurdish Bologna
practitioners by the TUNING Academy  held at the University of Groningen in March 2020. 

Literature provided by the Tuning Academy to participants

Reform! TUNING the Modernisation Process of Higher Education in Europe. A Blueprint for Student-Centred Learning | (External Link)

A History of ECTS, 1989-2019. Developing a World Standard for Credit Transfer and Accumulation in Higher Education | (External Link)

A Tuning Guide to Formulating Degree Programme Profiles. Including Programme Competences and Programme Learning Outcomes | (External Link)

Explanation: Above you will find the literature provided by the Tuning Academy to workshop participants in hard copy.
The University of Raparin has started a project to translate the publications into Kurdish language.
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