Here you can find the guidelines and templates used in the TIGRIS Project for financial reporting to UGOE.

TIGRIS Financial Guidelines

 TIGRIS Financial Guidelines | (PDF)

Explanation: The TIGRIS Financial Guidelines define the standards and requirements for the financial 
administration of the Erasmus+ TIGRIS Project and must be adhered to by every partner of the TIGRIS Project. 

Templates for Financial Reporting

 CBHE Joint Declaration | (MS Word)

Explanation: The CBHE Joint Declaration is a supporting document. Its purpose is to justify staff costs which a partner
institution intends to charge to the Erasmus+ CBHE grant. The Joint Declaration has to be submitted to the Project
Coordinator for every staff member of the partner institution employed by the project. The declaration must be signed 
by the person performing the activity, then countersigned and stamped by
the person responsible (e.g. rector, dean). 

 Timesheet | (MS Excel)

Explanation: A Timesheet is a supporting document. Its purpose is to declare workloads of the individual staff member
for whom staff costs shall be claimed. Timesheets must be signed by the person 
concerned and countersigned by the person responsible in the institution that employed this person. 
In TIGRIS, timesheets have to be submitted to the Project Coordinator regulary every 6 month. 

 Individual Travel Report | (MS Word)

Explanation: An Individual Travel Report is a supporting document. Its purpose is to (1) demonstrate the fact that the
travel and activity actually took place and (2) to justify travel costs & costs of stay which any partner institution 
intends to charge to the Erasmus+ CBHE grant. An Individual Travel Report hence must be filled in by each participant
on the occasion of each meeting/project activity and submitted to the Project Coordinator UGOE 
immediately after the end of travel. 

 Confirmation of car travel to claim travel costs | (MS Word)

Explanation: This form is a supporting document. Its purpose it to serve as proof that the travel activity took place.
It is to be used only in case travel was done by car and is to be considered a replacement for boardings passes or
similar supporting documents. The form is to be filled in by each participant on the occasion of travel by car and is to
be submitted with the Individual Travel Report. 


 EACEA Note on Staff Costs | (PDF)

Explanation: Official note issued by the EACEA for the attention of the legal representative of the coordinating institutions 
and the contact persons of all beneficiaries in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 CBHE projects.
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