Workshop on the Bologna Process & the Implementation of ECTS in Kurdish HEIs

From 11th – 13th December 2018, the partners of the TIGRIS Project gathered at the University of Raparin for the Workshop on the Bologna Process & the Implementation of ECTS in Kurdish HEIs.

During the three-day workshop, a total of 29 representatives from the Kurdish partner universities and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research received an introduction to the Bologna principles and system as well as in-depth training on use and implementation of ECTS.

In its course, the workshop also tackled the fundamentals of the learning-outcome-based model of teaching and learning and competence-based curriculum thereby paving the way for a future paradigm shift in teaching and learning in higher education in Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Due to the workshop’s dedicated hands-on approach, the participants also engaged in practical exercises providing them with the opportunity to get first-hand experience in solving potential challenges of ECTS implementation at Higher Education Institutions.

The third workshop day provided the colleagues from University of Raparin & Charmo University with the opportunity to present their universities’ individual framework to implement ECTS at their institution thereby allowing the international experts present to assess and evaluate the work done so far. Based on this evaluation, a report was drafted including a comprehensive list of recommendations to further support the reform efforts in Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

In addition, the participants received extensive training material on the Bologna System, the implementation of ECTS as well as curriculum design and assessment methods for a learning-outcome-based model of education.

Agenda for the Workshop on the Bologna Process & the Implementation of ECTS in Kurdish HEIs

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